The local has received the following update regarding the part-time/sessional organizing vote:
Who can vote:
- Faculty who were part-time (teaching 6 hours or less) or sessional (teaching 13 hours or more) any time between June 23, 2017 – Oct 2, 2017.
When and where to vote:
At Humber College:
– North Campus: October 10, D109, 3:00pm-7:00pm
– Lakeshore Campus: October 11, L Building L3002/3005, 2:30pm-5:30pm
– North Campus: October 12, B101, 3:00pm-7:00pm
At another college location: see list
Complimentary parking at Humber College will be provided at:
- North Campus: October 10 and 12 (2:30pm-7:00pm): check in at the main parking kiosk – park in Lot 7
- Lakeshore Campus: October 11 (2:00pm-5:30pm): West Lot 1 ONLY (entry off Twenty Third Street)
What to bring:
- Photo ID (mandatory)
- Your contract proving your status (recommended, if available)
If you are not scheduled to be on campus, the college will pay you for two hours to recognize the extra time that is being asked of you to participate in this vote. In addition, you will be able to charge reasonable expenses related to travel or parking (if complimentary lot is full) that is associated with coming to campus to vote. Please keep all receipts to complete an expense claim.