Sept 16, 2020 – update

Report from the College:

  • Registration Statistics for fall semester:
    • 26,295 FT students 
    • 2,800 PT students
  • Individuals On Campus (weekly):
    • 770 at Lakeshore campus
    • 6,850 at North campus/Carrier Drive
  • Plan for winter semester are currently being assessed, and will likely remain a hybrid model (some face to face, mostly online); contingency planning in case of another lockdown
  • Class scheduling: some students are faced with schedules where there is insufficient time between online- and face-to-face scheduled classes. Therefore, the College has arranged for certain computer labs on campus where students can participate in their online classes, given they would not have enough time to go home prior to the start of their online class. 
  • Guest WIFI will be turned off as of Sept 26. Guest who require WIFI access can still obtain access through IT.
  • Reminder: mandatory H&S training must be completed by all staff and students (both on and off campus)
  • Income support for faculty who become ill:
    • Full-time and partial-load faculty have sick time benefits in place, and can draw on those benefits if they are ill and cannot work
    • Part-time faculty who have accumulated sick time (from when they were partial-load) can use their banked sick time as well
    • Part-time/sessional faculty with no banked sick credits may be offered up to 2 paid sick days, pending a set of protocol by the college (such as manager approval, COVID testing, etc); we are currently waiting for the college to share the details of the protocol with us.
      • These 2 paid sick days are not available to contract faculty who have some sick time banked, but who run out of credits. Instead, the College encourages faculty to look to government supports in such cases.
    • More info will be shared via Communique.