Updated: Sept 26. 2024
FAQ: Partial Load Registry
The Partial Load Registry applies to the academic year (September 1 to August 31).
The deadline for registration will be April 30 of every year.
All previously taught courses while in part-time, partial-load, and/or sessional status will count towards hiring priority.
Please note:
The 2025/2026 Partial-Load Registry for Humber College is now open.
Registration to the PL Registry is an annual task. The Registry is managed by the College.
The Union has no control over the registration process or the Registry List, although we continually work to ensure its accuracy.
If you registered in previous years, you must still register for subsequent years.
Why is the Partial-load Registry important?
- Registering for the PL Registry is the first step to ensuring you receive hiring priority for courses on a PL contract.
- The Registry list looks at faculty’s seniority, found on the PL Seniority List , to determine hiring priority.
- The person with higher service credits should be offered the PL contract first. If this is not the case, please get in touch with us ASAP.
What is the Partial-load Registry?
The Partial-Load Registry is a product of the 2017 – 2021 CAAT-A Collective Agreement that provides an increased level of job protection for partial-load faculty (i.e. teaching 7 – 12 hours per week). By registering, employees are confirming their desire for future work as a partial-load employee at Humber College for the upcoming academic year. This registry also documents each registered partial-load employee’s job experience, including their service months, what courses they have previously taught since Fall 2017 at Humber, and the School(s)/Faculty(s) in which those courses were taught. The onus is on the faculty member to demonstrate any previous courses taught prior to Fall 2017.
Why does the Registry exist?
The Partial Load Registry exists to offer more senior partial-load workers some job security. Prior to 2017, managers could assign partial-load contracts to whomever they wanted. In other words, once you achieved PL status, it wasn’t a guarantee that you’d remain there. The Registry forces managers to recognize the seniority of workers and offer them partial-load contracts.
Who can register?
Any presently partial-load employees at Humber may register their interest. Previously partial-load employees can also register if they have 8 or more service credits in the last 4 years.
Why should I register?
The collective agreement now requires the College to give hiring priority to registered partial-load faculty. This means that when Associate Deans or Deans determine that there is a need to hire a partial-load employee, they must consult the Registry and first offer the course to a qualified partial-load faculty that has previously taught the course. To be considered as “qualified”, you must be registered in the Registry, and be either currently employed as a partial-load employee or have 8 service month credits of partial-load teaching in the past 4 years. Check your service credits here. Therefore, if you do not register, you may not receive teaching opportunities that you otherwise would have been eligible to receive. Please note that registration must happen each and every year. Registration for a previous year does not automatically register you for future years.
How do I register?
Humber College will post the Partial Load Registry on the College’s website. Once the Registry is open, please provide the necessary information. Upon registration completion, you should receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation immediately, we recommend checking your “junk” folder in your inbox, and if the confirmation is not there, please re-register again. Please ensure you receive a confirmation email before the registration deadline, and keep it somewhere safe (like a non-Humber email address).
When do I register?
Registration will open in December and will close on April 30 of every year. Please be aware that late registrations will not be accepted.
Who maintains the Registry?
The Registry is maintained by the College, not the Union. The Union receives a copy of the Registry List, which we use to ensure faculty’s information on the list is accurate, and to ensure contracts are offered as per the collective agreement rules.
Once I register, am I automatically in the Registry?
No, you are not. The College still runs a check to ensure you’re eligible: you must either be currently employed as a partial-load employee or have 8 months of service credits of partial-load teaching in the past 4 years. If you are not eligible, the College should email you to notify you of your ineligibility.
Where can I find my N number?
We recommend logging into Banner (MyHumber) where you would usually go to look for your schedule. At the top right hand corner of your schedule, you will see your name and your N number. You may also find your N number on your payslip via HRMS.
I still have questions! Who can I contact?
Please feel free to contact the Union office at any time at info@opseu562.org.
Related Resources:
- NEW How to assert your Priority Hiring Rights (2023)
- NEW Learn about Service Credits (2023) – PDF
- NEW Learn about Service Credits (2023) – Video
- NEW How to Calculate your Service Credits (2023) – PDF
- Seniority List as of December 31, 2023 (most recent)
- Get to know your CA: initial salary step calculation
- Humber College Partial Load Registry Announcement Dec 2023