JESRF – Professional Development Expenditure Reimbursement

TL;DR: All active Full-Time faculty are eligible for a $100 reimbursement on PD-related expenses incurred between September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2025. Pre-approval from your manager is NOT required. Scroll down for details on eligible and ineligible expenses, and how to file your claim.


Full Details (from Humber College):

The following information discusses the use of the Joint Employment Stability Reserve Fund (JESRF), as per article Article 28.08 of our collective agreement. 

Eligibility for Access to the Fund
Current and active Full Time Academic Bargaining Unit Members may access the fund for expenses incurred between September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2025. During this period receipts and details of the expenditure can be submitted to receive up to $100.00 for eligible expenditures supporting relevant professional development.

Submissions could include non-taxable expenditures such as books, subscriptions, conference/workshop fees etc. Eligible expenditures include relevant professional development which will benefit you in your role, your students and the College either immediately or in the future (relevant to discipline, pedagogy, or general business-related professional development relevant to the role).

Ineligible expenses include taxable items and/or items related to personal interest, items not related to Humber business or employment, professional memberships/licensing.

Making the claim
Expenditures may be submitted through Chrome River with the understanding that eligible receipts submitted will be approved by your Associate Dean/Manager based on the description of the expense clearly meeting the eligibility definition (no pre-approval required). If there is not a clear link between how the item purchased is related to your professional development and the College, then pre-approval from your Associate Dean should be received.

Eligible expenditures that have been incurred during the two-year time frame specified can be uploaded online through Chrome River along with details regarding the expenditure (e.g., what was purchased, dated official receipt, other relevant information).

  • Please submit only one claim during two-year period to a maximum of $100 (please refrain from making multiple submissions of amounts less than $100).
  • Payments will be made via direct deposit once your submission has been approved and processed.
  • Following the period of September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2025, the fund usage as described above will be reviewed. 
  • To learn how to submit a JESRF request in Chrome River, please review the following links:
    1. Self-guided instructions
    2. Self-guided training video

Please feel free to speak with your Associate Dean/Manager or your Union representative if you have any questions about the fund.