To: all Humber faculty (professors, librarians, counsellors)
OPSEU Local 562 is hosting a General Membership Meeting (GMM) on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 from 7 – 9 pm via Zoom. Please ensure you are signed up for our mailing list to receive the meeting link. We will be holding Local Elections at the meeting, as well as reviewing our local’s by-laws.
Pre-Meeting Logistics
- No pre-registration for the GMM is required. The meeting will start at 7 pm; registration will begin at 6:45 pm. Please ensure your Zoom name shows your full name (first and last name). The meeting link will take you to the Waiting Room. You will be let into the main meeting room as quickly as possible after we have confirmed your identity.
- The meeting link will be sent out to you via our mailing list. If you do not wish to subscribe to our mailing list but still want to attend the meeting, please contact us at
- Local elections – nominations will begin prior to the meeting to help us minimize logistical work at the meeting. More information on local elections below.
- Proxy voting is not allowed, as per OPSEU policy.
The Local is currently operating under outdated By-Laws (1996). Local practices have been included in this updated version of our By-Laws, and we seek the membership’s approval on these updated by-laws. Please review the by-laws prior to the meeting. Adoption of these by-laws require 2/3rd approval by voting members at the GMM. Only signed members may vote.
Local Elections
All local positions are open for election. Any full-time or partial-load member in good standing may stand for election.
Steward Positions:
- Faculty of Science and Technology (FAST): 12 positions
- Faculty of Media and Creative Arts (FMCA): 11 positions
- Faculty of Liberal Arts & Science and Innovative Learning (FLA): 10 positions
- Faculty of Social and Community Services (FSCS): 4 positions
- Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellness (FHSW): 9 positions
- Faculty of Business (FOB): 11 positions
- Library: 2 positions (1 per campus – North and Lakeshore)
- Student Services (Counsellors): 2 positions (1 per campus – North and Lakeshore)
Officer Positions: 1 position each
- President
- 1st Vice President
- 2nd Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Chief Steward
Local Trustees: 2 positions
Nominations will be accepted in advance, as well as on the day of the GMM. Our preference is for advance nominations, which will help us minimize time spent doing administrative work during the meeting.
Advance nominations: Please send an email with the text below to, and copy (CC) our OPSEU staff rep and your nominee.
Nomination text:
I, _______________________(nominator name), nominate _______________________ (nominee name) for the position of ________________ (steward/office position – specify).
Example: I, John Doe, nominate Jane Doe for the position of Steward in FAST.
The nominee will then have to Reply All and accept or reject the nomination.
Election Process
For positions where there are fewer nominations than positions available, those positions will be acclaimed. For positions where there are more nominees than positions available, we will hold elections on Zoom using the Poll functions. Only signed members may vote. Nominees may choose to give a short speech (2 – 3 minutes) prior to the vote.
If you are interested in learning more about a particular position, feel free to contact the local or someone currently in the position, which can be found on our contact page.