I’ve been directed to return to face-to-face teaching. Do I have to?

If you have been teaching the class in a face-to-face mode since the start of the term, then you must continue teaching face-to-face. However, if you have been teaching online but have been told to return to face-to-face teaching, the choice to return to face-to-face teaching is yours to make. As the subject matter expert and as the person who knows your students best, we trust that you will use your best professional judgement regarding your course’s delivery mode.

There are many factors to consider, including but limited to:

  • Workload (especially during Work to Rule): pivoting from online to f2f will likely be an increase to your prep work.
  • Health & Safety concerns (for both faculty and students)
  • Logistics – this is a greater concern for students than faculty; some students have raised concerns to faculty and to Associate Deans regarding their ability to find suitable living arrangements, conflicts with work schedules (which may lead to financial impacts), commuting time and costs, etc. There are also some students who are living out of the city/country.
  • Pedagogical rationale: some courses/content makes so much more sense being taught face-to-face rather than online. And then, there are some courses that work perfectly fine online. Again, this will vary faculty to faculty, course to course.

If your Associate Dean has directed you to return to in-person teaching (or said that you have no choice but to return) but you’d rather stay online, you can send them the following message (customize as you see fit):

Dear [Associate Dean],

As you know, faculty have been engaged in Work to Rule since December 18, 2021. Most recently, the Bargaining Team has escalated this strike action to Phase 3, which stipulates that pivoting from an online delivery mode to a face-to-face delivery mode mid-semester is my decision. At this time, I am choosing to keep my class online, as it is the most logical, practical, and pedagogically sound choice.


[Your name]

If you are choosing to return to face-to-face teaching on March 7 as originally planned, there’s no need to send your AD any message.

Finally, regardless of whether you continue to teach online or are moving to face-to-face delivery starting March 7, please ensure you re-communicate the delivery mode with your students. Post it on your Blackboard Announcements section, and check the button that allows the message to be sent to students’ emails. Whatever your decision may be, please be clear and transparent with your students about your decision. Here’s a sample message that you can send your students:

Dear Students,

As you know, the College has an expectation that our class be returned to face-to-face delivery commencing March 7. And as you may also know, faculty have been engaged in Work to Rule since December 18, 2021. Most recently, the Bargaining Team has escalated this strike action to Phase 3, which stipulates that pivoting from an online delivery mode to a face-to-face delivery mode mid-semester is my decision. I have reflected on how our first 7 weeks have gone, the requests and concerns that I’ve received from students, as well as the practical and pedagogical rationale for either keeping the class online or moving back to face-to-face. I have made the decision to _________________ (remain online/transition back to face-to-face delivery, as originally planned), as I think it is in your best interest to finish the semester in this way. If you have concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 


[Your name]