We stand with our bargaining team in recommending that you vote to reject Council’s offer. The offer you are to vote on is filled with concessions that will gut our system for years to come, cost each of us more in unpaid work after the strike, and further expand the ranks of the most marginalized contract workers. Now is the time to stand strong and vote to reject.

We encourage you to acquaint yourself with the issues covered in depth in the documents below. In brief, if it’s accepted, the offer you are voting on will

1. Expand Contract Teaching and Reduce Full-Time Jobs
This offer will decrease the percentage of full-time jobs in the colleges, expand the pool of contract faculty without restriction, avoid the “equal pay for equal work” rules of Bill 148, and deny students the better education that comes with a stable workforce.

2. Allow Unlimited Overtime
By removing the cap on teaching weeks and overtime for full-time faculty, this offer allows the employer to move work from partial-load faculty to full-timers.

3. Force Unpaid Return-to-Work Hours
The Return-to-Work protocol included in this offer will leave faculty without a penny in return for their return-to-work overtime hours.

We will say NO because it will make the colleges stronger, better for students, and better for the next generation. We will say NO because we love our students, we value education, and we care.

“REJECT the Offer” Meeting Video: Watch the full video from our morning meeting on November 9.



thumbnail of A Quick Response to The College Council’s Webcast
A Quick Response to The College Council’s Webcast (Nov 13, 2017)



If the College’s Offer is ACCEPTED, then the college’s corresponding Return To Work protocol is also accepted.




OLRB Ratification Vote Information



thumbnail of no-deal-flyer2
Vote No Overview
thumbnail of NO Means a Better Deal
More info
thumbnail of The Forced Ratification Vote – Why Reject the College Council’s Offer

thumbnail of 2017-11-Vote No_FINAL



Here are some shareable images to help spread the message. Please share!

Faculty Letters in Support of a Vote to Reject

thumbnail of Why I will vote NO
“Why I will vote NO,” by an anonymous full-time faculty member
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The problems with the CEC’s offer, by an anonymous contract teacher currently on strike