Negotiate a deal!Read the Petition Dear President Vaughan and Mr. Lloyd, I am writing to ask that you — two of the most powerful voices in the negotiations with college faculty — work with our professors, librarians, and counsellors to resolve the issues around faculty workload, precarity, and compensation so we can complete our semester without the stress of a potential strike. Professor workloads are calculated using a tool that was created in 1985: before email, Blackboard, and AI were invented. The tool allows at best 75 minutes per student for an entire term’s worth of assessments! That is not realistic, nor is it enough time to provide us any meaningful feedback. The formula needs to be updated to reflect modern workload realities so that we can receive the necessary support to succeed in our studies, and be better prepared after graduation. Faculty are also asking for more resources to support students and facilitate accommodations. Many students are struggling to manage the demands of their programs while dealing with challenges such as food insecurity and mental health concerns, to name a few. With over 26,000 students this fall at Humber, how do we only have 6 mental health counsellors and 9 accessibility consultants to support us? Students should not have to wait days, or even weeks, to meet with these important supports. The Bank of Canada is projecting an inflation rate above 3% for the next year at least. The challenges of inflation and cost of living could not be more real for those living in the city. We feel the same squeeze, as we face the same struggle. Your offer of 2% wage increases per year means faculty would effectively be earning less, year after year. We support the demands faculty have proposed because their working conditions are directly related to our learning conditions. We urge you to negotiate a fair deal at the bargaining table so that students may continue their education with better supports at the college, and so that faculty can continue their work to provide the best education possible. %%your signature%% BCC yourself Hide name from public Sign Now 20 signatures