- Faculty Return to Campus plans will be shared with faculty the week of August 31st
- Faculty teaching on campus will be given 2 masks: 1 clear mask, 1 cloth mask
- Mandatory Health and Safety training the week of August 31st via BlackBoard for all staff
- Self-screening must be validated at Humber entrances before gaining entry into buildings
- Registration Front Desks at LRC and Lakeshore will be staffed in the fall
- Student Wellness & Accessibility Offices will be open, by appointment only
- Fitness Centre will open in stages
Updates from the College:
- Faculty Return to Campus Plans will be shared with faculty the week they return to work (the week of August 31). Your Dean/Senior Dean should be emailing you within the next week to notify you of such plans. If you are expecting to Return to Campus and have questions, please contact your Associate Dean.
- A clear mask will be given to faculty who are teaching, allowing students to see your face. Reminder: all employees/students returning to campus will be given 2 reusable masks. Teaching faculty, then, will be given 1 reusable cloth mask, and and 1 clear mask. The College has been told that the clear masks offers the same protection as the cloth mask. Masks will be distributed to you by your manager.
- Health & Safety Training (mandatory) will take place the week of August 31. The training will be available on BlackBoard and can be completed anytime during that week. It is estimated that the training will take 45 minutes. Contract faculty will be paid 1 hour (at the meeting rate) to complete the training.
- Orientation videos are being made for both staff and students. The videos are different and cater to the specific audience. These videos are expected to be available the week of August 24th.
- The College is looking to reopen the Daycare Centre in October. More details to come.
- The Screening Survey is available on the Humber Guardian App (reminder: the screening survey must be completed each time you come onto campus). Beginning in the Fall term, staff and students will be required to scan their QR code before entering Humber buildings, demonstrating that they have passed the screening. Individuals who do not have a phone or who do not wish to install the app may complete the screening survey verbally at the entrance. Only individuals who have passed the screening may enter Humber buildings.
Update by Barbara Riach, Associate Vice-President, Enrolment Management & Registrar
There has been a small number of staff on campus at the Registrar’s Office since March, completing a variety of tasks that can only be handled in-person. In the fall, the Registration Desks at the LRC and Lakeshore will be staffed with personnel equipped with PPE including a plexiglass barrier.
Update by Ian Crookshank, Dean of Students
Student Services will be provide remotely as much as possible. Some employees (such as doctors and accessibility consultants) will be on-site at the Student Wellness and Accessibility Offices (both campuses), but will likely have reduced hours. Visits are by appointment only, and students must complete a 2nd COVID screening survey before the appointment.
The College plans to open the Fitness Centre in stages, with very limited access by students and staff. Facilities Dept is currently reconfiguring the area and working out the logistics to ensure physical distancing can be maintained.
Update from Kelly Jackson, Associate Vice-President, Government Relations and Communications
Return to Campus information is being shared to staff and students through Humber’s emails, Communique, and on Humber’s website. Over the next few weeks, expect information on:
- Health & Safety training module
- Return to Campus e-brochure
- Return to Campus orientation video
- Campus Compass updates
- A series of Town Halls for the fall